A Mandala has a centre, a heart, where the sacred reveals itself as a talisman for the soul.
A Mandala is also a symbolic, even primordial place.
The origins of the ”Mandala ring” are based on a two-dimensional figure which becomes a three-dimensional shape through subsequent, infinite layers, hosting at its core a precious stone without which it simply could not exist.
Embedded in its cavity, the jewel is set within the Mandala ring as though in an intimate space created by the ring’s form to protect and embrace it within its luminous, solid density and intensity.
The wearer is captivated by the boundless shades of light emanating from its shape and centre stone, creating multiple, reverberating nuances and emotions, conjuring up in turn a host of new, interrelated spaces.
A somatic jewel by vocation, precious in its shimmering light, enhancing in the vibrations and strength of emotions within its symbolic density, reconnecting us with a light which shines even in darkness.